Abstract classAn abstract class is type of class which declared with the key word abstract.May 22, 2021May 22, 2021
Python Built-in FunctionsThe Python built-in functions are defined as the functions whose functionality is pre-defined in Python. The python interpreter has…Sep 26, 2020Sep 26, 2020
Polymorphismpolymorphism is oop object concept in which a reference holding an object provide deferent behavior.Sep 26, 2020Sep 26, 2020
InheritanceThe inheritance is oop concept in which the class inherit state and behavior to any other class. inheritance can be achieve by using a…Sep 26, 2020Sep 26, 2020
Python Built-in FunctionsThe Python built-in functions are defined as the functions whose functionality is pre-defined in Python. The python interpreter has…Sep 25, 2020Sep 25, 2020
EncapsulationEncapsulation is object oriented programing concept in which the object support data binding and hiding.Sep 19, 2020Sep 19, 2020